SCHEDULE OF FEE AND PAYMENT TERMS charges fees per Item sold. The fee is 13{86cebe7cff0979b1374900feb3b1d384a3f430612c559f30dd913fe3e64283cf} + Payment Processing Fee on items sold under $300 and 8{86cebe7cff0979b1374900feb3b1d384a3f430612c559f30dd913fe3e64283cf} + Payment processing fee of with a listed price at or higher than $300.

Payment Processing fee: 3.9{86cebe7cff0979b1374900feb3b1d384a3f430612c559f30dd913fe3e64283cf} + 30¢ per successful charge.

When you register for a Seller or Service Vendor account, we charge a referral fee prepayment, Your initial sales will not be subject to a referral fee until the prepaid amount is exhausted.

After six months, if your account generates no sales, we will refund the referral fee prepayment.